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Приказују се постови за мај, 2012

Moja sestra i njene životinje

Ovaj post posvećujem mojoj dragoj sestri Snežani, zvanoj Snele. Ona je veliki ljubitelj životinja, pa ću se potruditi da ova priča bude u tom duhu. Mi živimo u selu Ruđinci, koje uopšte nije obično selo. U njemu vlada duh zajedništva i prijateljstva među svim žiteljima ovog mesta bilo da hodaju na dve ili četiri noge. Ovde su pas i mačka nerazdvojni prijatelji koji se uzajamno greju u hladnim zimskim noćima. Svi međusobno dele ono što imaju bez obzira na uzrast. Vodi se računa o tuđim talentima i omogućuje im se dalje usavršavanje, pa makar to bilo i solo pevanje.   Svaka maca ima svoj apartman,  sa ležajem koji odgovara njenoj anatomiji. Svaka životinja ima lutku blizanca, da se ne bi osećala usamljeno. Ovde se, takođe, mnogo vodi računa i o sportskom duhu. Usavršavaju se istočnjačke borilačke veštine koje razvijaju duh i telo. Za one koji neguju fakirski duh omogućeno je spavanje na ciglama. ...

Collage in progress

These days I was occupied with work on a new collage. Collage is a really beautiful painting technique, which requires a big commitment. I make collages since my student days, and even then I tried to approach it in a new and unique way. It offers the possibility to use different materials, but I like to use mainly hand-made paper. Sometimes I use cloth or buttons. Creating a collage is quite long, at least in my case. I am currently working girl named Danica. She is so lovely and sweet and cute and it is a pleasure to make her portrait. I hope that I manage to finish it soon . And this is one of my photos taken these days .


I assume that many people have a dream that can not forget. They are usually so dramatic that we remember them for life .  I do have a few, but in particular I remember one of them. I dream that I have ten years and I am light as a bird. I can run, fly and jump to the ceiling. At first it was very fun. But over time I became aware that I could not stop myself, I can not stand on the ground. And then I started to panic. Nothing special, but the dream always seems more terrible than reality. In any case, I decided to make a few drawings on the subject. You'll notice that all reminiscent of Alice in Wonderland falling through a hole chasing the white rabbit. It is a coincidence. Perhaps this is connected with the fact that I love this story .   This is one of the first works created several years ago .   The following two drawings were made recently.     And this drawing has nothing to do with the whole story, but it has to ...